What is regenerative cell therapy?

The goal of regenerative cell therapy is the formation of successful cell tissue. Depending on the severity of the diseased lesion being treated, one or more of the above components may be required to initiate and enable the healing process. Our personalized regenerative treatment approaches provide individualized therapeutic needs to achieve the optimal treatments for each of our patients.

Tissue formation involves 3 important building blocks:

  • The matrix to give structure to the growing tissue, it ensures mechanical integrity and is the basis for cell growth
  • Growth factors ensure differentiation and metabolic activity
  • Regenerative cells from fat cells or bone marrow (mesenchymal stem cells) can differentiate and contribute to tissue formation

Our therapy options

  • We use growth factors to reduce inflammation and promote the healing process.
  • For smaller lesions we use the advantages of matrix therapy
  • We use regenerative cells (stem cells) in more severe cases
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